
Our Products

Shiksha-Soft can be defined as all-in-one college management system software that is specifically designed and developed to simplify administrative, academic and financial management of a college by Thetabyte Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Shiksa-Soft College Management Software
Some Remarkable Features Of Shiksa-Soft College Management Software:

Student Admission

Student Admission System Supports the student admission and registration process, the maintenance of student personal, academic and fee related data.

Maintain School Register

The purpose of school registers and records is to better organise record keeping and ensure there is an efficient system for keeping and passing on information.

Report export to word,Excel and pdf

Automatically prepares all certificates and reports (report export to Word, Excel and PDF)

All the transaction are strongly encrypted

All the transactions are strongly encrypted, ensuring confidentiality and security of the database

Fee Management

Fee Collection, Daily head wise fee collection, Due fee report

ID card printing

Create and provides easy one-step ID card printing

Fee Collection

A fee collection is a payment period during which fees defined by the institution is collected from students


Generates: Transfer Certificate; Character Certificate etc.


Invoices, receipts, reports, print with college logo, college name and the college's address


Attendance Management System

Keep track of employees’ attendance.You Can Add data from machine, Excel or Manually.

Employee Payroll Management System

The purpose of Employee Payroll Management System is automatic salary calculation based on daily or monthly attendance of all employees.

Easy Payroll Compliances

Easy calculation of all types of statutory compliance i.e. P.F., E.S.IC., T.D.S. and Professional Tax & L.W.F.

Employee Portal Service

A web portal that allows employees to access their personal records and payroll details.

SMS Facility

Event-based regular SMS Intimations of attendance, approvals, and salary.

Assets Management

Manage your employees' amenities with ease.

Employee Module

Details related to Employees like name, DOJ, DOB, Voter id, Passport details etc. can be maintained effectively. All documents like voter id, Address proof could be saved as scanned copy.

Bank Module

Salary payment mode and Bank master provision options for simple salary payments.

Salary Reports

Our Payroll Software help you to generate monthly and yearly various salary reports with numbers of formats in Quick view, Excel etc.


Administrator Module

Administrator has right to Create New User,Add Books,Add Students,Add Teacher/Staff,Print Barcode Make Payment.

Book Circulation

Our Software provides you facility to Issue Book,Return Book,Re Issue book,Stock Taking Entry etc very eaisly.

Fine & Dues

GranthSoft Provieds you facility to Setup Fine,Make Fine Collection Entery,Student's Fine List and Staff Fine List.


Accession Register,Book Circulation Records,List of Authors,List of Publishers,Student List,Staff List

Quick Reports

Count By Titles,Book Count On Status,Count By Subject,Count By Authors,Count by Publishers,Periodicals Received


Remineder ,Data Back Up,Restore Data.

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